Plastic Comb is a popular, industry-standard binding method- one of the oldest and most economical ways to bind your proposals, presentations, and other projects. This binding method involves spreading a plastic comb and inserting punched documents through the teeth. The plastic comb is then closed, creating a secure project that is easily perused and stored. Therefore allowing for easy modification after the document has been bound. Simply reopen the comb to make changes, if necessary.
Filmsource offers Plastic Comb Binding in two main lengths- 19 ring and 24 ring, referring to the teeth per comb.
There are fifteen different diameters ranging from 1⁄4“-2” and eight different colors are available, and custom lengths and colors can be created upon request.
Filmsource also offers custom imprinting on plastic combs with your company name and information emblazoned on the binding spine, providing instant recognition at a glance. Please contact us for more information.